Journal Articles by Victor Patty

V. Patty
Spacelike surfaces in Minkowski 4-space with a canonical normal null direction
Revista Boliviana de Matemática, 2(2), 97-115, 2023
spacelike surfaces minkowski space canonical normal null direction asymptotic direction
URL, RIS, BibTex
V. H. Patty and G. Ruiz-Hernández
Timelike surfaces in Minkowski space with a canonical null direction
Journal of Geometry, 109(2), 35, 2018
URL, DOI, RIS, BibTex (Publicación externa)
V. H. Patty
Timelike surfaces into 4-dimensional Minkowski space via spinors
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.00610, 2017
URL, RIS, BibTex (Publicación externa)
P. Bayard, V. Patty, and F. Sánchez-Bringas
On Lorentzian surfaces in \mathbbR2,2
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 147(1), 61-88, 2017
URL, DOI, RIS, BibTex (Publicación externa)
V. Patty
A generalized Weierstrass representation of Lorentzian surfaces in \mathbbR2,2 and applications
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 13(6), 1650074, 2016
URL, DOI, RIS, BibTex (Publicación externa)
P. Bayard and V. Patty
Spinor representation of Lorentzian surfaces in \mathbbR2,2
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 95, 74-95, 2015
URL, DOI, RIS, BibTex (Publicación externa)


Instituto de Investigación Matemática
Carrera de Matemática - FCPN
Edificio FCPN, 1er Piso
La Paz - Bolivia
Teléfono: +591 (2) 261-2818 | (2) 261-2845

Instituto de Investigación Matemática
Edificio FCPN, 1er Piso
La Paz - Bolivia
Teléfono: +591 (2) 261-2818 | (2) 261-2845